# Author: Alexander Fabisch <afabisch@informatik.uni-bremen.de>
import numpy as np
import warnings
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
from .optimizer import Optimizer
from ..utils.validation import check_random_state, check_feedback
from ..utils.log import get_logger
def _bound(bounds, samples):
"""Apply boundaries to samples.
bounds : array-like, shape (n_params, 2)
Boundaries, bounds[:, 0] are the lower boundaries and
bounds[:, 1] are the upper boundaries
samples : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_params)
Samples from the search distribution. Will be modified so that they
are within the boundaries.
if bounds is not None:
# TODO vectorize?
for k in range(len(samples)):
samples[k] = np.maximum(samples[k], bounds[:, 0])
samples[k] = np.minimum(samples[k], bounds[:, 1])
def inv_sqrt(cov):
"""Compute inverse square root of a covariance matrix."""
cov = np.triu(cov) + np.triu(cov, 1).T
D, B = np.linalg.eigh(cov)
# HACK: avoid numerical problems
D = np.maximum(D, np.finfo(np.float).eps)
D = np.sqrt(D)
return B.dot(np.diag(1.0 / D)).dot(B.T), B, D
[docs]class CMAESOptimizer(Optimizer):
"""Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy.
See `Wikipedia <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CMA-ES>`_ for details.
Plain CMA-ES [1]_ is considered to be useful for
* non-convex,
* non-separable,
* ill-conditioned,
* or noisy
objective functions. However, in some cases CMA-ES will be outperformed
by other methods:
* if the search space dimension is very small (e.g. less than 5),
downhill simplex or surrogate-assisted methods will be better
* easy functions (separable, nearly quadratic, etc.) will usually be
solved faster by NEWUOA
* multimodal objective functions require restart strategies
initial_params : array-like, shape = (n_params,), optional (default: 0s)
Initial parameter vector.
variance : float, optional (default: 1.0)
Initial exploration variance.
covariance : array-like, optional (default: None)
Either a diagonal (with shape (n_params,)) or a full covariance matrix
(with shape (n_params, n_params)). A full covariance can contain
information about the correlation of variables.
n_samples_per_update : integer, optional (default: 4+int(3*log(n_params)))
Number of roll-outs that are required for a parameter update.
active : bool, optional (default: False)
Active CMA-ES (aCMA-ES) with negative weighted covariance matrix
bounds : array-like, shape (n_params, 2), optional (default: None)
Upper and lower bounds for each parameter.
maximize : boolean, optional (default: True)
Maximize return or minimize cost?
min_variance : float, optional (default: 2 * np.finfo(np.float).eps ** 2)
Minimum variance before restart
min_fitness_dist : float, optional (default: 2 * np.finfo(np.float).eps)
Minimum distance between fitness values before restart
max_condition : float optional (default: 1e7)
Maximum condition of covariance matrix
log_to_file: boolean or string, optional (default: False)
Log results to given file, it will be located in the $BL_LOG_PATH
log_to_stdout: boolean, optional (default: False)
Log to standard output
random_state : int or RandomState, optional (default: None)
Seed for the random number generator or RandomState object.
.. [1] Hansen, N.; Ostermeier, A. Completely Derandomized Self-Adaptation
in Evolution Strategies. In: Evolutionary Computation, 9(2), pp.
159-195. https://www.lri.fr/~hansen/cmaartic.pdf
[docs] def __init__(
self, initial_params=None, variance=1.0, covariance=None,
n_samples_per_update=None, active=False, bounds=None, maximize=True,
min_variance=2 * np.finfo(np.float).eps ** 2,
min_fitness_dist=2 * np.finfo(np.float).eps, max_condition=1e7,
log_to_file=False, log_to_stdout=False, random_state=None):
self.initial_params = initial_params
self.variance = variance
self.covariance = covariance
self.n_samples_per_update = n_samples_per_update
self.active = active
self.bounds = bounds
self.maximize = maximize
self.min_variance = min_variance
self.min_fitness_dist = min_fitness_dist
self.max_condition = max_condition
self.log_to_file = log_to_file
self.log_to_stdout = log_to_stdout
self.random_state = random_state
[docs] def init(self, n_params):
"""Initialize the behavior search.
n_params : int
dimension of the parameter vector
self.logger = get_logger(self, self.log_to_file, self.log_to_stdout)
self.random_state = check_random_state(self.random_state)
self.n_params = n_params
self.it = 0
self.eigen_decomp_updated = 0
if self.initial_params is None:
self.initial_params = np.zeros(n_params)
self.initial_params = np.asarray(self.initial_params).astype(
np.float64, copy=True)
if n_params != len(self.initial_params):
raise ValueError("Number of dimensions (%d) does not match "
"number of initial parameters (%d)."
% (n_params, len(self.initial_params)))
if self.covariance is None:
self.covariance = np.eye(self.n_params)
self.covariance = np.asarray(self.covariance).copy()
if self.covariance.ndim == 1:
self.covariance = np.diag(self.covariance)
self.best_fitness = np.inf
self.best_fitness_it = self.it
self.best_params = self.initial_params.copy()
def _reinit(self):
# Iteration of last reinitialization
self.initial_it = self.it
self.var = self.variance
if self.n_samples_per_update is None:
self.n_samples_per_update = 4 + int(3 * np.log(self.n_params))
if self.bounds is not None:
self.bounds = np.asarray(self.bounds)
self.mean = self.initial_params.copy()
self.cov = self.covariance.copy()
self.samples = self._sample(self.n_samples_per_update)
self.fitness = np.empty(self.n_samples_per_update)
# Sample weights for mean recombination
self.mu = self.n_samples_per_update / 2.0
self.weights = (np.log(self.mu + 0.5) -
self.mu = int(self.mu)
self.weights = self.weights / np.sum(self.weights)
self.mueff = 1.0 / np.sum(self.weights ** 2)
# Time constant for cumulation of the covariance
self.cc = ((4 + self.mueff / self.n_params) /
(self.n_params + 4 + 2 * self.mueff / self.n_params))
# Time constant for cumulation for sigma control
self.cs = (self.mueff + 2) / (self.n_params + self.mueff + 5)
# Learning rate for rank-one update
self.c1 = 2 / ((self.n_params + 1.3) ** 2 + self.mueff)
# Learning rate for rank-mu update
self.cmu = (np.min((1 - self.c1, 2 * self.mueff - 2 +
1.0 / self.mueff)) /
((self.n_params + 2) ** 2 + self.mueff))
# Damping for sigma
self.damps = 1 + 2 * np.max((0, np.sqrt((self.mueff - 1) /
(self.n_params + 1)) - 1)) + self.cs
# Misc constants
self.ps_update_weight = np.sqrt(self.cs * (2 - self.cs) * self.mueff)
self.hsig_threshold = 2 + 4.0 / (self.n_params + 1)
self.eigen_update_freq = (self.n_samples_per_update /
((self.c1 + self.cmu) * self.n_params * 10))
# Evolution path for covariance
self.pc = np.zeros(self.n_params)
# Evolution path for sigma
self.ps = np.zeros(self.n_params)
if self.active:
self.alpha_old = 0.5
self.neg_cmu = ((1.0 - self.cmu) * 0.25 * self.mueff /
((self.n_params + 2) ** 1.5 + 2.0 * self.mueff))
self.invsqrtC = inv_sqrt(self.cov)[0]
self.eigen_decomp_updated = self.it
def _sample(self, n_samples):
samples = self.random_state.multivariate_normal(
self.mean, self.var * self.cov, size=n_samples)
_bound(self.bounds, samples)
return samples
[docs] def get_next_parameters(self, params):
"""Get next individual/parameter vector for evaluation.
params : array_like, shape (n_params,)
Parameter vector, will be modified
k = self.it % self.n_samples_per_update
params[:] = self.samples[k]
[docs] def set_evaluation_feedback(self, feedback):
"""Set feedbacks for the parameter vector.
feedback : list of float
feedbacks for each step or for the episode, depends on the problem
k = self.it % self.n_samples_per_update
self.fitness[k] = check_feedback(feedback, compute_sum=True)
if self.maximize:
self.fitness[k] *= -1
if self.fitness[k] <= self.best_fitness:
self.best_fitness = self.fitness[k]
self.best_fitness_it = self.it
self.best_params[:] = self.samples[k]
self.it += 1
if self.log_to_stdout or self.log_to_file:
self.logger.info("Iteration #%d, fitness: %g"
% (self.it, self.fitness[k]))
self.logger.info("Variance %g" % self.var)
if (self.it - self.initial_it) % self.n_samples_per_update == 0:
self._update(self.samples, self.fitness, self.it)
def _update(self, samples, fitness, it):
# 1) Update sample distribution mean
self.last_mean = self.mean
ranking = np.argsort(fitness, axis=0)
update_samples = samples[ranking[:self.mu]]
self.mean = np.sum(self.weights[:, np.newaxis] * update_samples, axis=0)
mean_diff = self.mean - self.last_mean
sigma = np.sqrt(self.var)
# 2) Cumulation: update evolution paths
# Isotropic (step size) evolution path
self.ps += (-self.cs * self.ps + self.ps_update_weight / sigma *
# Anisotropic (covariance) evolution path
ps_norm_2 = np.linalg.norm(self.ps) ** 2 # Temporary constant
generation = it / self.n_samples_per_update
hsig = int(ps_norm_2 / self.n_params /
np.sqrt(1 - (1 - self.cs) ** (2 * generation))
< self.hsig_threshold)
self.pc *= 1 - self.cc
self.pc += (hsig * np.sqrt(self.cc * (2 - self.cc) * self.mueff) *
mean_diff / sigma)
# 3) Update sample distribution covariance
# Rank-1 update
rank_one_update = np.outer(self.pc, self.pc)
# Rank-mu update
noise = (update_samples - self.last_mean) / sigma
rank_mu_update = noise.T.dot(np.diag(self.weights)).dot(noise)
# Correct variance loss by hsig
c1a = self.c1 * (1 - (1 - hsig) * self.cc * (2.0 - self.cc))
if self.active:
neg_update = samples[ranking[::-1][:self.mu]]
neg_update -= self.last_mean
neg_update /= sigma
neg_rank_mu_update = neg_update.T.dot(np.diag(self.weights)
self.cov *= 1.0 - c1a - self.cmu + self.neg_cmu * self.alpha_old
self.cov += rank_one_update * self.c1
self.cov += rank_mu_update * (self.cmu + self.neg_cmu *
(1.0 - self.alpha_old))
self.cov -= neg_rank_mu_update * self.neg_cmu
self.cov *= 1.0 - c1a - self.cmu
self.cov += rank_one_update * self.c1
self.cov += rank_mu_update * self.cmu
# NOTE here is a bug: it should be cs / (2 * damps), however, that
# breaks unit tests and does not improve results
log_step_size_update = ((self.cs / self.damps) *
(ps_norm_2 / self.n_params - 1))
# NOTE some implementations of CMA-ES use the denominator
# np.sqrt(self.n_params) * (1.0 - 1.0 / (4 * self.n_params) +
# 1.0 / (21 * self.n_params ** 2))
# instead of self.n_params, in this case cs / damps is correct
# Adapt step size with factor <= exp(0.6)
self.var *= np.exp(np.min((0.6, log_step_size_update))) ** 2
if it - self.eigen_decomp_updated > self.eigen_update_freq:
self.invsqrtC = inv_sqrt(self.cov)[0]
self.eigen_decomp_updated = self.it
self.samples = self._sample(self.n_samples_per_update)
[docs] def is_behavior_learning_done(self):
"""Check if the optimization is finished.
finished : bool
Is the learning of a behavior finished?
if self.it <= self.n_samples_per_update:
return False
if not np.all(np.isfinite(self.fitness)):
return True
# Check for invalid values
if not (np.all(np.isfinite(self.invsqrtC)) and
np.all(np.isfinite(self.cov)) and
np.all(np.isfinite(self.mean)) and
self.logger.info("Stopping: infs or nans" % self.var)
return True
if (self.min_variance is not None and
np.max(np.diag(self.cov)) * self.var <= self.min_variance):
self.logger.info("Stopping: %g < min_variance" % self.var)
return True
max_dist = np.max(pdist(self.fitness[:, np.newaxis]))
if max_dist < self.min_fitness_dist:
self.logger.info("Stopping: %g < min_fitness_dist" % max_dist)
return True
cov_diag = np.diag(self.cov)
if (self.max_condition is not None and
np.max(cov_diag) > self.max_condition * np.min(cov_diag)):
self.logger.info("Stopping: %g / %g > max_condition"
% (np.max(self.cov), np.min(self.cov)))
return True
return False
[docs] def get_best_parameters(self, method="best"):
"""Get the best parameters.
method : string, optional (default: 'best')
Either 'best' or 'mean'
best_params : array-like, shape (n_params,)
Best parameters
if method == "best":
return self.best_params
return self.mean
[docs] def get_best_fitness(self):
"""Get the best observed fitness.
best_fitness : float
Best fitness (sum of feedbacks) so far. Corresponds to the
parameters obtained by get_best_parameters(method='best'). For
maximize=True, this is the highest observed fitness, and for
maximize=False, this is the lowest observed fitness.
if self.maximize:
return -self.best_fitness
return self.best_fitness
def __getstate__(self):
d = dict(self.__dict__)
del d["logger"]
return d
def __setstate__(self, d):
self.logger = get_logger(self, self.log_to_file, self.log_to_stdout)
[docs]class RestartCMAESOptimizer(CMAESOptimizer):
"""CMA-ES with restarts.
This will outperform plain CMA-ES on multimodal functions.
initial_params : array-like, shape = (n_params,), optional (default: 0s)
Initial parameter vector.
variance : float, optional (default: 1.0)
Initial exploration variance.
covariance : array-like, optional (default: None)
Either a diagonal (with shape (n_params,)) or a full covariance matrix
(with shape (n_params, n_params)). A full covariance can contain
information about the correlation of variables.
n_samples_per_update : integer, optional (default: 4+int(3*log(n_params)))
Number of roll-outs that are required for a parameter update.
active : bool, optional (default: False)
Active CMA-ES (aCMA-ES) with negative weighted covariance matrix
bounds : array-like, shape (n_samples, 2), optional (default: None)
Upper and lower bounds for each parameter.
maximize : optional, boolean (default: True)
Maximize return or minimize cost?
min_variance : float, optional (default: 2 * np.finfo(np.float).eps ** 2)
Minimum variance before restart
min_fitness_dist : float, optional (default: 2 * np.finfo(np.float).eps)
Minimum distance between fitness values before restart
max_condition : float optional (default: 1e7)
Maximum condition of covariance matrix
log_to_file: optional, boolean or string (default: False)
Log results to given file, it will be located in the $BL_LOG_PATH
log_to_stdout: optional, boolean (default: False)
Log to standard output
random_state : optional, int
Seed for the random number generator.
[docs] def __init__(
self, initial_params=None, variance=1.0, covariance=None,
n_samples_per_update=None, active=False, bounds=None,
maximize=True, min_variance=2 * np.finfo(np.float).eps ** 2,
min_fitness_dist=2 * np.finfo(np.float).eps, max_condition=1e7,
log_to_file=False, log_to_stdout=False, random_state=None):
super(RestartCMAESOptimizer, self).__init__(
initial_params, variance, covariance, n_samples_per_update,
active, bounds, maximize, min_variance, min_fitness_dist,
max_condition, log_to_file, log_to_stdout, random_state)
def _update(self, samples, fitness, it):
super(RestartCMAESOptimizer, self)._update(samples, fitness, it)
if self._test_restart():
def _test_restart(self):
return super(RestartCMAESOptimizer, self).is_behavior_learning_done()
[docs] def is_behavior_learning_done(self):
"""Returns false because we will restart and not stop.
finished : bool
Is the learning of a behavior finished?
return False
[docs]class IPOPCMAESOptimizer(RestartCMAESOptimizer):
"""Increasing population size CMA-ES.
After each restart, the population size will be doubled. Hence, the
solution will be searched more globally.
initial_params : array-like, shape = (n_params,), optional (default: 0s)
Initial parameter vector.
variance : float, optional (default: 1.0)
Initial exploration variance.
covariance : array-like, optional (default: None)
Either a diagonal (with shape (n_params,)) or a full covariance matrix
(with shape (n_params, n_params)). A full covariance can contain
information about the correlation of variables.
n_samples_per_update : integer, optional (default: 4+int(3*log(n_params)))
Number of roll-outs that are required for a parameter update.
active : bool, optional (default: False)
Active CMA-ES (aCMA-ES) with negative weighted covariance matrix
bounds : array-like, shape (n_samples, 2), optional (default: None)
Upper and lower bounds for each parameter.
maximize : optional, boolean (default: True)
Maximize return or minimize cost?
min_variance : float, optional (default: 2 * np.finfo(np.float).eps ** 2)
Minimum variance before restart
min_fitness_dist : float, optional (default: 2 * np.finfo(np.float).eps)
Minimum distance between fitness values before restart
max_condition : float optional (default: 1e7)
Maximum condition of covariance matrix
log_to_file: optional, boolean or string (default: False)
Log results to given file, it will be located in the $BL_LOG_PATH
log_to_stdout: optional, boolean (default: False)
Log to standard output
random_state : optional, int
Seed for the random number generator.
[docs] def __init__(self, initial_params=None, variance=1.0, covariance=None,
n_samples_per_update=None, active=False, bounds=None,
maximize=True, min_variance=2 * np.finfo(np.float).eps ** 2,
min_fitness_dist=2 * np.finfo(np.float).eps,
max_condition=1e7, log_to_file=False, log_to_stdout=False,
super(IPOPCMAESOptimizer, self).__init__(
initial_params, variance, covariance, n_samples_per_update,
active, bounds, maximize, min_variance, min_fitness_dist,
max_condition, log_to_file, log_to_stdout, random_state)
def _update(self, samples, fitness, it):
super(RestartCMAESOptimizer, self)._update(samples, fitness, it)
if self._test_restart():
self.n_samples_per_update *= 2
[docs]class BIPOPCMAESOptimizer(RestartCMAESOptimizer):
"""BI-population CMA-ES.
After each restart, the population size will be increased or decreased.
For details, see `the paper
initial_params : array-like, shape = (n_params,), optional (default: 0s)
Initial parameter vector.
variance : float, optional (default: 1.0)
Initial exploration variance.
covariance : array-like, optional (default: None)
Either a diagonal (with shape (n_params,)) or a full covariance matrix
(with shape (n_params, n_params)). A full covariance can contain
information about the correlation of variables.
n_samples_per_update : integer, optional (default: 4+int(3*log(n_params)))
Number of roll-outs that are required for a parameter update.
active : bool, optional (default: False)
Active CMA-ES (aCMA-ES) with negative weighted covariance matrix
bounds : array-like, shape (n_samples, 2), optional (default: None)
Upper and lower bounds for each parameter.
maximize : optional, boolean (default: True)
Maximize return or minimize cost?
min_variance : float, optional (default: 2 * np.finfo(np.float).eps ** 2)
Minimum variance before restart
min_fitness_dist : float, optional (default: 2 * np.finfo(np.float).eps)
Minimum distance between fitness values before restart
max_condition : float optional (default: 1e7)
Maximum condition of covariance matrix
log_to_file: optional, boolean or string (default: False)
Log results to given file, it will be located in the $BL_LOG_PATH
log_to_stdout: optional, boolean (default: False)
Log to standard output
random_state : optional, int
Seed for the random number generator.
[docs] def __init__(self, initial_params=None, variance=1.0, covariance=None,
n_samples_per_update=None, active=False, bounds=None,
maximize=True, min_variance=2 * np.finfo(np.float).eps ** 2,
min_fitness_dist=2 * np.finfo(np.float).eps,
max_condition=1e7, log_to_file=False, log_to_stdout=False,
super(BIPOPCMAESOptimizer, self).__init__(
initial_params, variance, covariance, n_samples_per_update,
active, bounds, maximize, min_variance, min_fitness_dist,
max_condition, log_to_file, log_to_stdout, random_state)
self.variance_default = variance
self.n_iter_large = 0
self.n_iter_small = 0
self.n_restarts = 0
self.large_regime = None
def _update(self, samples, fitness, it):
super(RestartCMAESOptimizer, self)._update(samples, fitness, it)
if self._test_restart():
if self.n_restarts == 0:
self.n_samples_default = self.n_samples_per_update
self.n_restarts += 1
# Compute budget of the two regimes
if self.large_regime is None:
elif self.large_regime:
self.n_iter_large += self.it - self.initial_it
self.n_iter_small += self.it - self.initial_it
# Set population size and initial variance for the regime
if self.n_iter_large > self.n_iter_small:
self.large_regime = False
self.n_samples_per_update = int(
self.n_samples_default * (0.5 * self.n_samples_large /
float(self.n_samples_default)) **
(self.random_state.rand() ** 2))
self.variance = (self.variance_default *
10 ** (-4 * self.random_state.rand()))
self.large_regime = True
self.n_samples_large = (self.n_samples_default *
2 ** self.n_restarts)
self.n_samples_per_update = self.n_samples_large
self.variance = self.variance_default
cma_types = {"standard": CMAESOptimizer,
"restart": RestartCMAESOptimizer,
"ipop": IPOPCMAESOptimizer,
"bipop": BIPOPCMAESOptimizer}
def fmin(objective_function, cma_type="standard", x0=None,
eval_initial_x=False, maxfun=1000, maximize=False, *args, **kwargs):
"""Functional interface to the stochastic optimizer CMA-ES.
objective_function : callable
Objective function
cma_type : string, optional (default: 'standard')
Must be one of ['standard', 'restart', 'ipop', 'bipop']
x0 : array-like, shape = (n_params,), optional (default: 0)
Initial parameter vector.
eval_initial_x : bool, optional (default: False)
Whether the initial parameter vector x0 is evaluated
maxfun : int, optional (default: 1000)
The maximum number of function evaluations after which CMA-ES terminates
maximize : bool, optional (default: False)
Maximize objective function
params : array, shape (n_params,)
Best parameters
fitness : float
Fitness value of best parameters
if cma_type not in cma_types:
raise ValueError("Unknown cma_type %s. Must be one of %s."
% (cma_type, cma_types.keys()))
cmaes = cma_types[cma_type](initial_params=x0, maximize=maximize, *args,
params = np.empty_like(x0)
for _ in range(maxfun):
best = (cmaes.get_best_parameters(method="best"), cmaes.get_best_fitness())
if eval_initial_x:
f0 = objective_function(x0)
if maximize and f0 > best[1]:
best = (np.copy(x0), f0)
elif not maximize and f0 < best[1]:
best = (np.copy(x0), f0)
return best