In this section, we will give you a brief introduction how to use the C++ implementation of a controller to run experiments with BOLeRo.
We call the application that runs experiments in BOLeRo “controller”. It reads configuration files and connects learning algorithms and problems. An experiment in BOLeRo can be specified with only one YAML file.
You can run the controller with
You can configure it with two environment variables:
The configuration file is called learning_config.yml. It will have the following form:
type: ...
type: ...
MaxEvaluations: 1000
LogAllBehaviors: false
GenerateFitnessLog: true
LogResults: false
EvaluateExperiment: false
TestEveryXRun: 0
Results will be stored in a directory that you specified. That includes fitness values and intermediate results.
The following configuration will run Monte Carlo Reinforcement Learning on the environment FrozenLake-v0 from OpenAI Gym.
MaxEvaluations: 10000
GenerateFitnessLog: true
LogResults: true
TestEveryXRun: 100
type: bolero.environment.OpenAiGym
env_name: FrozenLake-v0
type: bolero.behavior_search.MonteCarloRL
action_space: [0, 1, 2, 3]