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MARS Environment

This guide will explain how to set up a MARS-based environment for BOLeRo. We published an example for a MARS environment in a separate project. We will go through this example step by step here. In the end you will see something like this:

Folder and File Structure of an Environment

The structure of a project that provides a MARS-based environment always looks very similar to this one.


  • - provides information for the user (installation, license, …)
  • CMakeLists.txt - defines how we can build this project with CMake
  • manifest.xml - defines dependencies for Rock or ROS
  • - defines package information like the location of the library, compiler flags etc.
  • configuration/ - contains configuration files for the environmet
    • throwing.smurfs - description of the scene, tells MARS which objects it should load and how they are connected
    • robot - contains configuration files for the object with the name ‘robot’
      • urdf - contains the URDF file of the object
      • smurf - contains specific configuration files for the simulation, for example, motor configuration and collision configuration
  • src/ - contains source files for the environment implementation

The hardest part of creating a new simulation environment is usually to define the scene (everything that is located in configuration/). We cannot solve this problem here. Instead, we can refer to Phobos. Phobos is a plugin for Blender. It enables the creation and modification of WYSIWYG robot models and those can be exported to MARS scenes (and other formats). We will take a closer look at the implementation of the scene with existing configuration files (everything that is located in src/).

Building an Environment

Building a MARS-based environment is straightforward and not much different to the standard CMake-based build process:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake_debug ..  # this is different, 'cmake_debug' knows where bolero-dev is
make install

We do not use cmake .. because we want to install the environment to our BOLeRo installation. cmake_debug and cmake_release do automatically set the correct CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.

Creating Your Own Environment

We will show and explain important parts of this environment. For further details, please take a look at the full source code.


A MARS environment depends on BOLeRo and the base class for MARS environments.

pkg_check_modules(BOLERO "bolero")

pkg_check_modules(MARS_ENV "mars_environment")

The environment will be compiled to a library.

set(SOURCES src/ThrowingEnvironment.cpp)
set(HEADERS src/ThrowingEnvironment.h)



The following files have to be installed: the library, headers, pkg-config information, and scene configuration files.

# Install the library into the lib folder

# Install headers into mars include directory
install(FILES ${HEADERS} DESTINATION include/bolero/${PROJECT_NAME})

# Prepare and install necessary files to support finding of the library
# using pkg-config

install(FILES configuration/throwing.smurfs
        DESTINATION configuration/${PROJECT_NAME}/)
install(DIRECTORY configuration/robot
        DESTINATION configuration/${PROJECT_NAME})
install(DIRECTORY configuration/target
        DESTINATION configuration/${PROJECT_NAME})


Our ThrowingEnvironment is a subclass of mars_environment::MARSEnvironment and, in this case, BOLeRo’s ContextualEnvironment. A contextual environment defines a problem that can be parameterized by a context vector.

namespace bolero {
  namespace throwing_environment {

    class ThrowingEnvironment : public mars_environment::MARSEnvironment,
                                public ContextualEnvironment {

The following functions have to be implemented.

virtual void initMARSEnvironment();
virtual void resetMARSEnvironment();
virtual void handleMARSError();

virtual int getNumInputs() const;
virtual int getNumOutputs() const;

virtual void createOutputValues();
virtual void handleInputValues();

virtual int getFeedback(double *feedback) const;

bool isEvaluationDone() const;
bool isBehaviorLearningDone() const { return false; }

virtual double* request_context(double *context,int size);
virtual int get_num_context_dims() const;


In ThrowingEnvironment::initMARSEnvironment() we load the configuration of the environment.

void ThrowingEnvironment::initMARSEnvironment()
  request_context(, 2);

    std::string sceneFile = getConfigPath() +
    isSceneLoaded = true;


void ThrowingEnvironment::readConfig()
  // Parameters of the environment are in the file "learning_config.yml".
  // It should be located in the current working directory. This
  // environment accepts the additional parameters
  // - ballThrowTime: after this has been reached (number of time steps),
  //   the ball will be detached from the robot
  // - armHeight: simulates that the arm is mounted on a table, this is the
  //   height of the table, the simulation stops when the ball hits the
  //   virtual ground
  // - verbose - verbosity level
  ConfigMap learningConfigMap = ConfigMap::fromYamlFile("learning_config.yml");
  if(learningConfigMap.find("Environment") != learningConfigMap.end())
    if(learningConfigMap["Environment"].find("ballThrowTime") != learningConfigMap["Environment"].endMap())
      ballThrowTime = (learningConfigMap["Environment"])["ballThrowTime"];
    if(learningConfigMap["Environment"].find("armHeight") != learningConfigMap["Environment"].endMap())
      armHeight = learningConfigMap["Environment"]["armHeight"];
    if(learningConfigMap["Environment"].find("verbose") != learningConfigMap["Environment"].endMap())
      verbose = (learningConfigMap["Environment"])["verbose"];

std::string ThrowingEnvironment::getConfigPath()
  // Here we use the environment variable "ROCK_CONFIGURATION_PATH" in
  // order to "find" the smurf file to be loaded. During installation it
  // should be put in "$ROCK_CONFIGURATION_PATH/spacebot_throw_environment".
  std::string configPath = std::string(getenv("ROCK_CONFIGURATION_PATH"));
    throw std::runtime_error("WARNING: The ROCK_CONFIGURATION_PATH is not "
                             "set! Did you \"source\"?\n");
  return configPath;

void ThrowingEnvironment::getMotorIDs()

  std::vector<mars::interfaces::core_objects_exchange>::iterator it;
  std::vector<mars::interfaces::core_objects_exchange> motorList;

  for(it = motorList.begin(); it != motorList.end(); ++it)

To reset the environment, we usually have to set the joint angles to the initial state.

void ThrowingEnvironment::resetMARSEnvironment()
  fitness = 0.0;
  evaluation_done = false;

void ThrowingEnvironment::setStartAngles()
  for(unsigned int i=0; i < motorIDs.size(); i++)
    inputs[i] = startAnglePos(i);
    control->motors->setMotorValue(motorIDs[i], startAnglePos(i));


ThrowingEnvironment::handleMARSError() will be called when an exception occurs during simulation. We should set a very bad fitness and finish the evaluation in the environment.

void ThrowingEnvironment::handleMARSError()
  fitness = -DBL_MAX;
  evaluation_done = true;

After each simulation step, this function will be called. Usually we want to output joint states. We could also output sensor measurements.

void ThrowingEnvironment::createOutputValues(void)
  setPositionOfVisualTarget(); // must always be done, falls down otherwise

void ThrowingEnvironment::setPositionOfVisualTarget()
  mars::interfaces::NodeId targetId = control->nodes->getID("target_link");
  control->nodes->setPosition(targetId, targetPos);

void ThrowingEnvironment::outputMotorPositions()
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < motorIDs.size(); i++)
    outputs[i] = (double)control->motors->getActualPosition(motorIDs[i]);

void ThrowingEnvironment::checkBallPosition()
  mars::interfaces::NodeId ballId = control->nodes->getID("ball_link");
  mars::utils::Vector ballPos = control->nodes->getPosition(ballId);

  if(ballPos[2] <= -armHeight)
    ballHitX = ballPos[0];
    ballHitY = ballPos[1];
    const double diffX = ballPos[0] - targetPos[0];
    const double diffY = ballPos[1] - targetPos[1];
    const double squaredDist = diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY;
    fitness = -squaredDist;
    evaluation_done = true;

void ThrowingEnvironment::checkMaxTime()
  if(leftTime > MAX_SIMULATION_TIME) {
    fitness = DBL_MAX;
    evaluation_done = true;

Before a simulation step is computed, we at least should write the motor commands.

void ThrowingEnvironment::handleInputValues()

void ThrowingEnvironment::setMotorValues()
  for(unsigned int i=0; i < motorIDs.size(); i++)
    control->motors->setMotorValue(motorIDs[i], inputs[i]);

void ThrowingEnvironment::checkBallThrowTime()
  if(leftTime > ballThrowTime)

In a contextual environment, we have to set the context on request.

double* ThrowingEnvironment::request_context(double *context, int size)
  if(size != 2)
    return NULL;

  targetPos[0] = context[0];
  targetPos[1] = context[1];
  targetPos[2] = -armHeight;
