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Quick Start with Python

In this section, we will give you a brief introduction how to use the Python interface of BOLeRo.

Using a Controller

A Controller provides a simple tool to organize the whole behavior learning process. Let us start with a simple example. We need an environment that specifies a learning problem. Let’s say, we want to avoid obstacles in a two-dimensional space and minimize the accelerations at the same time.

>>> from bolero.environment import OptimumTrajectory
>>> import numpy as np
>>> n_task_dims = 2
>>> obstacles = [np.array([0.5, 0.5]), np.array([0.6, 0.8]), np.array([0.8, 0.6])]
>>> x0, g = np.zeros(n_task_dims), np.ones(n_task_dims)
>>> execution_time, dt = 1.0, 0.01
>>> env = OptimumTrajectory(
...     x0, g, execution_time, dt, obstacles, penalty_goal_dist=1.0,
...     penalty_obstacle=1000.0, penalty_acc=1.0)
>>> env

In order to learn a behavior, we need a behavior, e.g. a DMP that defines an end-effector trajectory.

>>> from bolero.representation import DMPBehavior
>>> beh = DMPBehavior(execution_time, dt, n_features=10)
>>> beh
DMPBehavior(...dt=0.01, execution_time=1.0, n_features=10)

Next, we have to specify how we want to learn the behavior. We will use a black-box optimizer to optimize the parameters of the DMP. We have to combine the behavior and the optimizer to a behavior search component.

>>> from bolero.behavior_search import BlackBoxSearch
>>> from bolero.optimizer import CMAESOptimizer
>>> bs = BlackBoxSearch(beh, CMAESOptimizer(variance=100.0 ** 2, random_state=0))
>>> bs
BlackBoxSearch(behavior=DMPBehavior(...), ..., optimizer=CMAESOptimizer(...))

Now, we have an environment that defines our problem and a behavior search component that is able to find a solution. We can use a controller to organize the behavior search.

>>> from bolero.controller import Controller
>>> controller = Controller(
...     environment=env, behavior_search=bs, n_episodes=30)
>>> controller
>>> feedbacks = controller.learn(["x0", "g"], [x0, g])
>>> feedbacks
array([-2512... -875...])


We can use components from BOLeRo without using all the other parts. We will demonstrate that in this example. We can construct a CMA-ES optimizer that optimizes two parameters as follows:

>>> from bolero.optimizer import CMAESOptimizer
>>> opt = CMAESOptimizer(random_state=0)
>>> opt
CMAESOptimizer(active=False, ..., initial_params=None, ..., variance=1.0)
>>> opt.init(2)

and generate a new parameter vector with

>>> import numpy as np
>>> params = np.empty(2)
>>> opt.get_next_parameters(params)
>>> params
array([ 1.7...,  0.4...])

Now we can compute the feedback and give it back to the optimizer. Then we can check what are the best parameters so far.

>>> feedback = (params - np.array([0.3, -0.7])) ** 2
>>> opt.set_evaluation_feedback(feedback)
>>> opt_params = opt.get_best_parameters()
>>> opt_params
array([ 1.7...,  0.4...])


Take a look at the examples to see more complex use cases.