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class bolero.behavior_search.ContextualBlackBoxSearch(behavior, optimizer, metaparameter_keys=[], metaparameter_values=[])[source]

Combine a contextual black box optimizer with a black box behavior.

Black box in this context means that only a fixed number of parameters will optimized with respect to a scalar reward function.

behavior : dict or Behavior subclass

A black-box behavior that is given directly or fully specified by a configuration dictionary.

optimizer : dict or ContextualOptimizer subclass

A black-box optimizer that is given directly or fully specified by a configuration dictionary.

metaparameter_keys : list, optional (default: [])

Names of metaparameters for the behavior that will be set during initialization.

metaparameter_values : list, optional (default: [])

Values of metaparameters for the behavior that will be set during initialization.

__init__(behavior, optimizer, metaparameter_keys=[], metaparameter_values=[])[source]

Get parameters for this estimator.

params : mapping of string to any

Parameter names mapped to their values.


Return current best estimate of contextual policy.


Chooses desired context for next evaluation.

context : ndarray-like, default=None

The context in which the next rollout shall be performed. If None, the environment may select the next context without any preferences.


Set context of next evaluation.

Note that the set context need not necessarily be the same that was requested by get_desired_context().

context : array-like, shape (n_context_dims,)

The context in which the next rollout will be performed