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class bolero.behavior_search.BlackBoxSearch(behavior, optimizer, metaparameter_keys=[], metaparameter_values=[])[source]

Combine a black box optimizer with a black box behavior.

Black box in this context means that only a fixed number of parameters will optimized with respect to a scalar reward function.

behavior : dict or Behavior subclass

A black box behavior that is given directly or fully specified by a configuration dictionary.

optimizer : dict or ContextualOptimizer subclass

A black box optimizer that is given directly or fully specified by a configuration dictionary.

metaparameter_keys : list, optional (default: [])

Names of metaparameters for the behavior that will be set during initialization.

metaparameter_values : list, optional (default: [])

Values of metaparameters for the behavior that will be set during initialization.

__init__(behavior, optimizer, metaparameter_keys=[], metaparameter_values=[])[source]

Get parameters for this estimator.

params : mapping of string to any

Parameter names mapped to their values.